This is a log of a journey, a life’s journey.

Traveler, nomad, wandering, restless mind, seeking qualities and esthetics in life, are probably good and bad reasons why I quit a classic career track and am now on a long haul trajectory moving into projects involving traveling, photography, research, exhibitions, publishing, consultancy and collaborations with even much more creative minds.

The caravanserai has been an infrastructure that facilitated exchanges and multicultural relations for centuries between regions, their people and cultures between East and West through Middle East and Central Asia. At the same time it is a metaphor. To everybody, welcome to join. From this point of departure, what comes next ...


Book      Exhibitions      Travel & Photo Log      Caravanserai      Globe & Seas      About Tom

        NEW BOOK




Caravanserai - Traces, Places, Dialogue in the Middle East

Both photo essay and travelogue, this stunning volume documents the caravanserais of the Levant region in the Middle East.

Tom Schutyser’s powerful photographs are illuminated by contributions from some of the most eminent writers, thinkers, and journalists specializing in the Middle East and foreign relations. The result is an engaging new perspective on both the history and current-day affairs of this region. 

Photographs and texts by Tom Schutyser 

Introduction by Andrew Lawler 

Contributions by Reza Aslan, Rachid al-Daif, Robert Fisk, Dominique Moïsi, Paul Salem

(Bilingual ENG/FR, English cover)

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Caravansérails - Traces, Places, Dialogue au Moyen Orient

À la fois essai photographique et journal de voyage, ce superbe ouvrage documente les caravansérails de la région du Levant au Moyen-Orient. Les photographies très fortes de Tom Schutyser sont éclairées par des contributions des plus éminents auteurs, penseurs et journalistes, spécialistes du Moyen-Orient et des relations internationales. En résulte une intéressante et nouvelle perspective à la fois sur l’histoire et la situation actuelle de la région.

Photographies et textes de Tom Schutyser

Introduction de Andrew Lawler

Contributions de Reza Aslan, Rachid El-Daïf, Robert Fisk, Dominique Moïsi, Paul Salem

(Bilingue anglais/français, couverture française)

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