IRAN, 2003

Royal Ribat-i Sharaf, 12th century AD

Variant Names: Robat-e Sharaf, Robat-i Sharaf, Robat-e-Sharaf, Robat-i-Sharaf, Robat Sharaf, Ribat Sharaf, Rabat Sharaf Caravanserai

Located on the road between Mashad and Sarakhs, 6 kilometers south of Shorleq or Shurloq, this is close to the border with Turkmenistan and on the ancient caravan route between Nishapur (Iran) and Merv (Turkmenistan).

Built in 1114-1115, 1154-1155

Style/Period: Seljuk (1037-1194)


Road Urgench/Khiva to Buchara

Crossing of the river Amu Darya


Kalyan Mosque (Maedjid-i kalyan)

Arguably completed in 1514 and located at the foot of the great minaret Kalyan. The roofing (of 288 domes) of the galleries encircling the courtyard of Kalyan Mosque rests on 208 pillars. The courtyard ends up with a portal to the main chamber with a cruciform hall, topped with a massive blue cupola on a mosaic drum.

Since 713 several ensembles of main cathedral mosques were built at this area to the south of the Ark citadel. One of these complexes, burnt out by Genghis Khan during the siege of Bukhara, was built in 1121 by the Karakhanid ruler Arslan-khan. The Minaret Kalyan is the only of structures of Arslan-han complex, which was kept safe during that siege.

On the road to Samarkand

CHINA, 2003


Wok at night


Some video material